Unlike other organisations that develop their services and products based on market demand, at PIDAS the desire arose to develop a tool that would greatly optimise their own field support. As a result, the idea for CORA was born. In order to enable secure access at the self-service IT machine, PIDAS was looking for a high quality RFID reader that met all their needs and requirements.
“Our costs for field support were explosive. That's why we felt the need to make processes more efficient not only for the customer but also for ourselves. In addition, we wanted to make our support available 24 hours a day and innovate our services through touch points. From here we started developing the prototype of an intelligent self-service IT automat which relieves every IT organisation,” says Marcel Leonhard, Technical Product Manager at PIDAS.
“Our costs for field support were explosive."
Their IT Automat CORA is an intelligent hardware system. No long waiting times for notebooks, desktops and accessories of all kinds: CORA makes these available to the user quickly and easily via badge, PIN or Barcode. By Wake-On-LAN and connection to your software distribution (e.g. SCCM) devices can be continuously updated in the CORA and, in case of support (software packages, profiles and settings), can be personalized. CORA differentiates itself from similar products through its high quality, innovative design and easy functionality. With CORA, technological efficiency is ensured at all time and a positive user experience is guaranteed.

“During the development process of the CORA, we searched for the best parts for the machine. Being able to open a specific locker independently was a big part of the solution. By means of a PIN code, the IT helpdesk can assign a specific device in a locker to a user and by scanning an employee badge, the user can actually be identified. For this purpose, we were looking for a high security RFID reader. We tested 4 brands with varying open technologies. It became clear that only inepro’s SCR708 was really up to the task”, says Marcel Leonhard.
"It became clear that only inepro’s SCR708 was really up to the task”, says Marcel Leonhard."
“We work in very complex customer environments all over the world where various RFID technologies from Legic Prime and Advant to Mifare Classic and DESfire up to Hitag and SLE66 are used. Thanks to the SCR708 we are able to have one hardware device that can read and process all those different technologies and depending on the use case even multiple at the same time. This simplifies and improves our supply chain, the assembly of our machine as well as the maintenance and knowledge needed to continue supporting our customers. We can cut costs and save time by only using one universal device that “can do everything” while improving the User Experience for our customers and speeding up the whole assessment and configuration process of the Badge Authentication process”, says Marcel Leonhard.
“The way we now apply the reader is really plug and play. We have developed our own bracket and the reader is attached behind tempered glass. In the unlikely event that the reader should break down, it is very easy for anyone to replace the RFID reader. It's just a matter of plugging in a cable. If there are new updates or configurations we can do them remotely, so we don't have to send people to all those locations. This shows again that the RFID reader is very easy to maintain.”, says Marcel Leonhard.