Corporate social responsibility & sustainability

Ecovadis as our CSR guide
Our passion and expertise is payment systems. But because sustainability and a healthy world for everyone are also high on our list of priorities, we find it very important to work on these issues regularly. So we built a Co2-neutral office and have been driving electric cars for years. But we wanted to do more and asked Ecovadis for help.
Ecovadis helps companies improve their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) performance by assessing them in four key areas:Environment, Labour & Human Rights, Sustainable Procurement and Ethics. Every year, companies complete a detailed questionnaire on these topics, which helps them improve their policies, measures and reporting. They are given about four weeks to do so, so the audit remains an up-to-date snapshot.
Through this format, Ecovadis encourages companies to create, implement and evaluate effective policies. For example, we have our CO2 emissions calculated and verified by the company Groenbalans, something we had no idea how to do a few years ago.
We are proud to now share our greenhouse gas emissions and our reduction targets on our website. This transparency helps improve our Ecovadis score.
Last year, inepro B.V. received a gold medal for our Ecovadis performance, placing us in the top 5% of more than 100,000 assessed companies worldwide. This is not only a proof of good CSR behaviour, but also helps in tenders where CSR is increasingly important.
Our commitment to maintaining this score also requires commitment from our suppliers. We expect more transparency and improvement from them in the areas of Environment, Labour & Human Rights, Sustainable Procurement and Ethics.
By understanding our supply chain, we can work together for a more sustainable world. Ecovadis is our guide in this regard.

Our goals
At Inepro B.V., we believe in the importance of taking responsibility for our impact on the environment. As a company committed to innovation and progress, we recognise the urgent need to embrace sustainable practices and reduce our carbon footprint.Therefore, we are pleased to announce our commitment to become carbon neutral within our operational activities by the year 2035.
Our GHG emission
In the base year 2019, inepro B.V. emitted 188.89 tonnes of CO2 across scopes 1 & 2. In 2022, it was 131.77 tonnes and in 2023 it was 131.82 tonnes. When turnover is included in the reduction calculation, inepro saved 49,6% GHG emissions over 5 years.